måndag 19 januari 2015

Registreringsmyndigheten för EU-varumärken (OHIM) tar ställning gällande registrering av uttrycket "Je suis Charlie" som varumärke

Registreringsmyndigheten för EU-varumärken (OHIM) har tagit ställning i frågan om att registrera  uttrycket "Je suis Charlie" och meddelar på sin hemsida att en EU-ansökan för ett sådan märke antagligen kommer att avslås mot bakgrund av att det strider mot goda seder eller allmän ordning.

Informationen på OHIMs hemsida finner ni här:

"OHIM - je suis Charlie

As a general rule, OHIM's policy is not to comment on any individual cases of trade mark or design applications either before examination or at any stage of the application and registration cycle.
However, the IP issues surrounding the registration of the "Je suis Charlie" mark could be considered to be of overriding public interest.
Therefore, according to OHIM's Guidelines for Examination on Community Trade Marks (Part B, Section 4), an application which consisted of or which contained the phrase "Je suis Charlie" would probably be subject to an objection under Article 7 (1) (f) of the Community Trade Mark Regulation, due to the fact that the registration of such a trade mark could be considered "contrary to public policy or to accepted principles of morality" and also on the basis of Artice 7(1)(b) as being devoid of distinctive character."